15. London

In 365, Persistance by Paul MacklinLeave a Comment

After dropping the Little Lion off to playschool (despite her protests) I made my way into London. It isn’t as cheap from here as I thought it might be which is disappointing. It was essentially £30 for a travel card into London which certainly puts me off doing it regularly.

I had no real plan today other than that I had work to be involved in at 3pm and a trip to Covent Garden to make. So, on a whim, I headed to Tottenham.


Tottenham is not a particularly easy place to get to. It’s all slow and awkward overground lines and I got off way earlier than I should have. I jumped off at Seven Sisters, grabbed a hot chocolate and walked from there to the stadium.

It is a pretty impressive place and I’d love to see a game there at some point.

But it took a lot longer than anticipated to get there and meeting my boss wasn’t far off, so I kept going. I wanted to walk a path that happens in my novel – just to get a better feel for the area. It’s largely residential, so there wasn’t a lot to take in beyond the normal London suburban sprawl, but I might be able to take something from it to add into my writing – when (and if) that ever happens.


After my wanderings, I headed back into London proper and met Kate for lunch. We had Bananatree – which I specifically chose because they had such good veggie bites, only to find that they were all out of veggie bites. So I went back to being carniverous for the day. Either way, it was good.

We then spoke all things panto before heading to our networking event where we watched different businesses pitch their products and services and spoke to a few other creative brands.

All in all – a long day, and by the time I got home I was exhausted, and feeling a little out of sorts. Hopefully this is just a transitional period, but I’m feeling a touch directionless and lost at the moment. Like a lot of things are very far away and I need to change a lot about my life to make them right. But it’s hard to know where to start or what to even focus on.

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