I am Paul Macklin. Although I've never really felt like those two little words - those simple, little nouns did a particularly good job at encompassing who I actually am. 

For those of you who like the compartmentalisation of labels - I am a 38-year old, British-Canadian, white male husband and father who lives in Essex, U.K and works as a creative generalist and marketing manager in the entertainment and education industries. 

For those of you who can do without? I am simply an imperfect and ever-shifting human who likes to make stuff. 


That's me up there.

On that stage. I was acting and singing in a play called Tolerantia. A play directed by Stéphane Tornu-Romain from Le Compagnie Trimaran, - a French company that came to Essex to tour their show about diversity, inclusion, and acceptance. And I think it must've had a profound effect on the person I came to be.

I knew from that time on, from the age of seven, that I wanted to be an actor. That I wanted to perform and create, and be surrounded by all these wonderful, interesting people. The idea that people did THIS for a job? Amazing.

My childhood idols, Robin Williams and Michael Jackson echoed the sentiments of that early experience - playfulness, kindness, a willingness to bend the rules. They gave me hope that my, for lack of a better word, "otherness" would be a strength.


I always knew that I was a little... odd. 

And I was totally okay with it. From a young age I embraced the strange. My imagination would run wild. On one occasion in year three I took to becoming a Pirate Pizza Boy who delivered books to each of the other children's tables, pretending to sail between them with my freshly cooked margheritas. The teacher told the class to ignore me. And they certainly tried their best. But even back then my performances left a lasting impression...



    I've long since given up the pirate-pizza game, and decided to use my abilities for good. 

    My imagination, versatility, and variety of skills have led me to help numerous individuals and companies with forging and developing brands and stories that leave their own lasting impression. 

    I now help educational and entertainment-based companies to kick start or re-energise their brands. 




    Placeholder Image

    Winona Ryder


    Placeholder Image

    Jim Carrey

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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    Natalie Portman

    Star Wars

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    Johnny Depp

    Pirates of the Carribean

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    Keanu Reeves

    The Matrix

    Placeholder Image

    Doug Jones

    Hocus Pocus

    Placeholder Image

    Stephanie Leonidas


    Placeholder Image

    Ewan McGregor

    Star Wars

    Placeholder Image

    Christopher Lloyd

    Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?


    Placeholder Image

    MIchael Jackson


    Placeholder Image

    Chester Bennington

    Linkin Park

    Placeholder Image

    Dave Mcpherson


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    Lin-Manual Miranda


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    Joe Hisaishi

    Spirited Away

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    Jonathan Larson


    Placeholder Image

    Robert Lopez

    Avenue Q

    Placeholder Image

    John Williams

    Star Wars

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    Danny Elfman

    The Nightmare Before Christmas

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    Placeholder Image

    J.R.R. Tolkien

    Lord of the Rings

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    Philip Ridley

    Kaspar in the Glitter

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    China Miéville

    Perdido Street Station

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    Matt Haig

    The Midnight Library

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    Saul williams

    , said the shotgun to the head.

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    Ben aaronovitch

    The Rivers of London

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    Laini Taylor

    The Daughter of Smoke and Bone

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    Tomi adeyemi

    The Children of Blood and Bone

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    Philip pullman

    His Dark Materials

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    ransom riggs

    Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children


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    Naoto Oshima

    Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Don Bluth

    The Land Before Time

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    Akira Toriyama

    Dragonball Z

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    Brian Froud


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    Salvador Dali

    The Persistance of Memory

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    Tim Burton


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    Alex Pardee

    In Love and Death

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    Flower Thrower

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    Mike Shinoda

    Hybrid Theory

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    The Legend of Zelda


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    Jim Henson


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    George Lucas

    Star Wars

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    Peter Jackson

    The Lord of the Rings

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    Guillermo Del toro

    Pan's Labyrinth

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    Dave McKEAN


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    Alfonso cuarón

    Children of Men

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    The wachowskis

    The Matrix

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    Robert zemeckis

    Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?

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    darren aronofsky

    Requiem for a Dream

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    taika waititi

    Thor : Ragnarok
