What? – Wayfinder; is the focus of my Doctorate thesis. It is a practice as research Ph.D. that allows me to both develop the creative core of my studies, and analyse the impacts of that content on a specific group of people. 

Why? – Why? Because I have strong feelings about being told that something must be done a certain way. If I can find a way to do something a different way that still works and produces interesting results - I will do it. 

How? – Much like my approach to branding, my consideration for this study is holistic. I wish to create an artefact that spans multiple mediums, and more importantly crosses the threshold between creative and academic. Just as books such as S. by J J Abrams and Doug Dorst and House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski featured extensive further reading, I too wish to create something expansive for co-creators to become lost in. 


The attic is locked




Wayfinder; is, first and foremost, a script. Or perhaps it is better described as a textual artefact. But it is not a script in the same way that A Midsummer Night's Dream is a script. This script defies the standards of formatting. 

Inspired at large by the subversion of Sarah Kane's 4:48 Psychosis, Wayfinder; aims to explore the furthest extents of what is possible within the textual medium. 

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    Which way will you go?

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    The Stars /
    The Grandmother

    How To Make The Moon Lakes Flow

    An EP of music reflecting on a life lived in joy, in anger, in regret. These are the memories made along the way.

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    The Sea / 
    The Mother

    An Acre of Ocean

    A poetry collection questioning our place in life. Questioning who we've become when so much is behind us, and so much is still ahead.

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    The Wind /
    The Daughter

    Dancing Amidst the Trees

    A short film on the freedom of youth and the consequences of that raw energy. Where do your feet lead you, and are you in control of them? 



    Sometimes I share my thoughts and feelings—on creativity, existing creative outputs, and the intersections of art and life. These pieces are part of the ongoing journey, where ideas take shape and meaning often emerges along the way.

    read. listen. wear.

    Thank you for exploring my work. Each piece found here is a reflection of a journey—whether through sound, image, or words. Your support means the world to me, and it always amazes me when someone chooses to bring part of that journey into their own life. Whether you wear it, listen to it, or hang it on your wall, I hope it brings you a little of the joy it brought me while creating it.

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      Let's Talk