Nine days in to the year and I feel fully over the honeymoon period of the whole New Year New Me bullcrap.
To be honest, I wasn’t really that invested in the first place. I just wanted to *start* making the right changes to my life. But the end of this tour has dragged on into this year and made that a bit complicated. It’s amazing how much different things can eat up your time. It constantly amazes me how anyone gets anything done with all this ludicrous adult-ing.
Feral Children
I mean, children are all pretty feral, I think. That’s sort of the point. They’re unrefined and untouched in that way. The Little Lion didn’t get her nickname from being a dainty little flower.
Today, though, the children at the school I visited, were wild. Absolutely, and utterly, mad. One child, front and centre literally wanted to fight me. He kept mouthing “Come on then, mate”, as if there was nothing ridiculous about a year four child threatening a six foot tall man in full drag.
Life on the other side.
On the other side of work, it was back home to make dinner, get our own feral child to bed (honestly, she was meowing at a plug socket for a good ten minutes earlier) and then off to Lakeside to buy some more wintery clothes for the kiddo and I.
I hadn’t intended on buying anything for myself, but I made the mistake of walking past an All Saints with a 70% sale on. And now I have two jumpers that are far too baggy for me, but I will love all the same.
Tomorrow is the last day of tour. And I don’t know what really comes next. I haven’t exactly had the time to think about it. I’ve been too busy failing at all the other things I’m currently doing.
I suppose tomorrow will be the moment we find out.